• Übersicht der Prüfstände im Labor für Mikro-BHKWs


Laboratory for micro-CHP units

In the laboratory for micro-CHP units technical possibilities for the scalability of mobile micro-CHP units are investigated. CHP units generate thermal and electrical power with high efficiency through the principle of combined heat and power. Based on a trade fair model of a Power Conditioning Unit (PCU) from the company IAV, functional models on the basis of modeling are to be set up and tested in the laboratory for micro-CHP units. The results are to be transferred to a new portable prototype - theoretically, constructively and practicality exemplified for the automotive industry. In addition to determining the limits of use of different drive technologies a suitable alignment of the components of the prototype should be found.


The following test benches are currently available in the laboratory:

  15 kW PCU test bench

The 15 kW PCU test bench is an extended CHP test bench for the investigation of the PCU concept and the associated different operating modes / strategies. The test bench is used to determine the characteristic diagrams of the main components internal combustion engine, asynchronous motors and air cooling compressor (automotive). With the help of belt transmissions, the required over- or under-ratios of the rated speeds of the systems are realized. The special feature of the test bench is the combination of building and automotive engineering components (stationary CHP unit + automotive air conditioning). Currently, the test used for measurements in the context of a PhD project, a cross-faculty project in cooperation with the Faculty IV and Bachelor and Master theses. The construction of laboratory tests in the context of the university enterprise is already in planning.

  1 kW & 4 kW portable CHP test benches

The focus of the portable CHP test benches in the power range of 1 to 4 kW lies in the areas of weight optimization, optimal arrangement of the components in the package, CFD and FEM analyzes and design. Furthermore, a alignment of the components of the prototype is to be found, in which in this new power range optimum energy efficiency is achieved.

Currently, the test benches are used for measurements in the context of a PhD project, cross-faculty projects in cooperation with the Faculty III and Bachelor and Master theses.

  pmCHP prototype

Currently, a prototype of a portable micro-CHP unit (pmCHP) is under construction. The results and knowledge gained from the previous test benches are to be transferred constructively and practicality tested as an example for the automotive industry.



Dr.-Ing. Christian Schmicke

Telefon: +49 511 9296 7563


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars-Oliver Gusig
Elektromobilität, Fahrzeugtechnik, Maschinenelemente, Konstruktion, CAD
Telefon: +49 511 9296 1352

Laboratory for micro-CHP units

Room 5A.2.15

Bismarckstraße 2

30173 Hanover