SYM-Lstrom: Remedial actions against ball-bearing failures caused by bearing currents in electric vehicles with synchronous motors


01.03.2019 - 31.08.2021

project description

The goal of this project is to find an economical and effective solution against ball-bearing failures caused by bearing currents in traction drive synchronous motors. The mechanisms of bearing currents in synchronous motors supplied by frequency converters will be identified and verified by measurements. Remedial actions will be developed for synchronous motors and checked for their effectiveness. Afterwards, the developed actions will be evaluated from a technical and economic point of view and verified by measurements.

other researchers

funding line

ERDF - European Regional Development Fund - funding line 2.2.2 (application-oriented research at universities)

third-party donor

Ministry for Science and Culture of Lower Saxony

European Union

affiliated partners

EM-motive GmbH